Cox & Palmer Pivotal Point Grant, 2016
Cox & Palmer Pivotal Point Grant, 2016
Guidelines and Application
Cox & Palmer and VANL-CARFAC are offering a valuable funding opportunity for visual artists in Newfoundland and Labrador. The Cox & Palmer Pivotal Point Grant is valued at $5000 and is awarded annually.
Aim of the Grant
The Cox & Palmer Pivotal Point Grant will provide financial support for a project and/or activities that will significantly advance an artist’s career, help evolve their practice and/or develop the artist’s reputation and visibility within the art world. Examples include, but are not limited to: development of new audience/market through exhibitions; publications and presentations; skill set development for use of new media or materials crucial to the creation of a specific body of work; participation in a residency that provides time and facilities to generate new work; or support for creation of a body of work or for exhibition costs at a significant venue.
Deadline for Application
September 9th, 2016
Notification of Result
October 30th, 2016
Applicants must be a current member of VANL-CARFAC. Applicants can become a member at the time of application.
This grant is open to professional visual artists who are residents of Newfoundland and Labrador:
• Must be Canadian citizens or have permanent resident status
• Must be a current resident of Newfoundland and Labrador for a minimum of twelve consecutive months immediately prior to the time of application
• Must be at least eighteen years of age
Definition of professional artist
A creator of visual art has the status of professional visual artist if: earning a living through art making or possessing a diploma in an area considered to be within the domain of the fine arts, or teaching art in a school of art or applied art, or whose work is often seen by the public or is frequently or regularly exhibited, or recognized as an artist by consensus of opinion among professional artists.
Eligible Expenses
Eligible expenses include all reasonable expenses that will be incurred during the course of the proposed activity such as: travel, materials and supplies, technical support, residency costs, fabrication costs, shipping, studio rental, development and publication of promotional materials. The proposed project can be for individual or collaborative projects (include documentation for each collaborator). Other types of expenses will be considered as long as clearly justified by the nature of the proposed plan.
- Travel
• Materials and supplies
• Residency fees
• Studio rental
• Small equipment (up to $2000)
• Training costs
• Wages for assistants
• Consultant fees
• Technical services
• Professional development costs
• Exhibition expenses
• Publication costs
• Contribution towards living expenses
Ineligible expenses:
- Retroactive costs
• Purchase of building
• Renovations or construction
• Tuition
Required application support materials
- Completed application form and detailed budget
• Detailed project description that clearly outlines the program or nature of activities, how this will be carried out within the stated timeline and how this will be beneficial to the advancement of your career and/or artistic practice
• Up to date curriculum vitae
• Artist statement that provides context for previous work
o Digital documentation of previously created artwork– maximum of 20 images, DVDs, audio/video documentation (Original artwork will not be accepted)
• Optional Support Materials:
o Letters of support
o Confirmation of residency or exhibition
o Recent reviews, catalogues, etc.
Assessment Criteria will be based on the following three components:
• Artistic merit of work produced
• Strength and feasibility of proposed activity
• Ability to enhance the artist’s career/artistic practice.
Adjudication Process
All applications will be reviewed by the VANL-CARFAC staff for eligibility and completeness. All applications that meet these criteria will then be assessed by a committee of artists and arts professionals chosen by VANL-CARFAC’s board of directors.
Final Report
A comprehensive final report is required that includes an outline of the project/activities, a budget and the benefit to the artist. This report is due within one month of completion of the project.
Projects to be completed by October 30th, 2017
CLICK HERE to download the application form. This form must be filled out and returned with your application submission.
Applications may be submitted via dropbox or WeTransfer.com (preferred) or by email to vanlcarfac@gmail.com, or by mail to:
Pivotal Point Grant
Visual Artists Newfoundland and Labrador (VANL-CARFAC)
Devon House
59 Duckworth Street, 3rd Floor
St. John’s, NL, A1C 1E6
Shortlists announced for Excellence in Visual Arts Awards 2016
Shortlists announced for Excellence in Visual Arts Awards
- JOHN’S NL: The eleventh annual Excellence in Visual Arts Awards will take place on May 13that the Rooms, St. John’s, Newfoundland. The EVA Awards are the only awards program solely dedicated to celebrating the visual culture of Newfoundland and Labrador.
This year’s EVA Awards jury reviewed submissions from across the province, representing a wide spectrum of artistic mediums and styles. Below are the short lists for four of the five awards – the winner of the Long Haul Award will be announced at the ceremony.
The Emerging Artist Award honors the promising start made by an emerging visual artist in the early stages of their career. Sponsored in 2016 by Grenfell Campus – Memorial University. Prize: $2000
The Emerging Artist Award Shortlist
Virginia Mitford
Amery Sandford
April White
The Large Year Award celebrates a visual artist who has enjoyed an exceptional year, with at least one exhibition and critical recognition. Sponsored in 2016 by Lat49 Architects Inc. Prize: $2000
The Large Year Award Shortlist
Kailey Bryan
Kay Burns
Philippa Jones
The Kippy Goins Award – so named for the small pieces of wood one throws on a fire to “keep it going” – thanks an individual or organization whose efforts have helped to sustain and build the visual arts sector. Sponsored in 2016 by Perfect Day. Prize: original artwork by Michael Gough.
The Kippy Goins Award Shortlist
The Art Association of Newfoundland and Labrador
Sylvia Bendzsa
Group of 77
The Critical Eye Award recognizes a visual arts writer for an exceptional piece of writing on a NL artist in any print or online publication worldwide. Sponsored in 2016 by Emma Butler Gallery. Prize: $2000.
The Critical Eye Award Shortlist
Heather Igloliorte
Mary MacDonald
Jennifer McVeigh
For more information or to arrange interviews, contact Program Coordinator, Tessa Graham at vanlcarfac@gmail.com or 709-738-7303. A limited number of seats for the ceremony will be available to the public. To be put on the seating list, please contact the VANL office.
The EVA Awards are a Visual Artists Newfoundland and Labrador initiative.
VANL-CARFAC’s 4th Annual Post Art Fundraiser
You are invited to VANL-CARFAC’s 4th Annual Post Art Fundraiser!
The Post Art Fundraiser is a great excuse to have some fun, get inspired and share your creations with others! Send your artwork on a journey to three other Post Art participants and receive three original artworks in the mail! Participation is simple – just follow the steps below:
Step 1: E-mail your mailing address and donation amount to Pepa Chan at vanl.postart@gmail.com. The suggested minimum donation is $10.00. Pepa will be accepting addresses until Saturday April 30th. (More details below)
Step 2: Each person is responsible for creating three small, mail-size, original artworks. (More details below)
Step 3: Each participant will receive an e-mail with three addresses where they will be expected to mail artworks. The artworks must be mailed NO LATER than Monday May 30th. This is so we can ensure everyone receives the work they deserves in a timely manner.
Step 4: Sit back and wait – your part is done! You will receive up to three artworks in the mail from three different artists!
Donation: Donations can be made by email transfer, through Paypal, regular mail or by drop-off to the VANL office. Whatever works best for you! However, please note in your initial email how you would like to donate. Pepa will be replying to messages individually, so if you do not get a reply in a few days please contact her again. All money raised will go to support VANL-CARFAC.
Sizes: 3 1/2″ x 5″ (Standard postcard) and maximum 11″ x 14″. Mailing rates will vary depending on the weight of the work and its destination.
Medium: Be creative. Drawing, painting, printmaking, textile art, photography, sound art, collage, mixed media!
Note: If you do participate in this event please honour the commitment and be sure to mail your three works. This fundraiser is based on a collective act of good faith, and the organizers cannot be held responsible for art that isn’t sent. However, in the case someone does not receive any works, we do have a few participants who will make extra pieces so no one will be left empty handed.
Please spread the word!
Thank you!