Anne Pratt is a retired communications professional living where she grew up, in Salmonier, Newfoundland. She has enjoyed a lifelong connection to and interest in the visual arts in Newfoundland and Labrador. For over ten years, Anne (aka Anne Lamar) wrote art commentary and reviews for local print and broadcast media. More recently, Anne’s writing has appeared in Canadian Art and Momus online. A professional communicator with government and public institutions for 25 years, Anne has a particular interest in artists’ copyright, managing royalties and protecting the integrity of original works in a world of fakes. She is also interested in the role of the arts in the development of tourism “product” and how that affects authenticity.
Anne is an avid traveller with a deep commitment to eating as many varieties of bread as the world can invent. With the exception of a single painting left unfinished since 1977, Anne does not paint or draw.
Lori Deeley is an artist, art therapist and art educator based in Kippens, Newfoundland. Lori earned a Bachelor of Fine Arts/Art Education from Nova Scotia College of Art & Design. She has lived and painted in Nova Scotia, Manitoba, and Saskatchewan. In 2001, Lori and her young family moved to the rugged west coast of Newfoundland to begin her teaching career. Her exploration of the landscapes and waterways of this island have fed her art practice. Lori strives to transcribe both the energy and calm of her connection to the land and culture of Newfoundland and the North Atlantic.
Kel Parsons is a fourth-year visual arts student at Memorial University’s Corner Brook campus in Newfoundland and Labrador focusing primarily on sculpture, textile, and photo-based art. As a lifetime Obsessive-Compulsive-Disorder-Haver, Kel utilizes their art practice as exposure therapy and as a way to explore the icky and grotesque contrasted against professional, curated, or censored spaces. Kel has a complicated relationship with garbage and germs and, through mixed media art and found materials, attempts to not only heal this but also to subject others to the detailed or exaggerated grossness that they deal with daily.
Robert Hengeveld is an artist and maker of things, living and working in the region of Elmastukwek, Ktaqmkuk (Corner Brook, Newfoundland.). His creative practice has taken on many different forms but exploring and experimenting with how we perceive and preconceive the world around us would be one way to summarize a given. The way this has been achieved is quite diverse ranging from roller coasters, swarm robotics, to the reimagining of collected beach plastics. This research often emerges through collaborative investigation, incorporating the expertise and insight of engineers, musicians, choreographers, poets, community members, and other artists.