Office Hours

New Office Hours: 

Monday – 1:00pm – 5:00pm
Tuesday – 10:00am – 5:00pm 
Wednesday – 10:00am – 5:00pm 
Thursday – 10:00am – 5:00pm 
Friday – 9:00am – 3:00pm 
Saturday – Closed
Sunday – Closed

VANL-CARFAC Pivotal Point Grant

Guidelines and Application 

VANL-CARFAC is once again offering a funding opportunity for visual artists in Newfoundland and Labrador! The Pivotal Point Grant is valued at $5000.

Aim of the Grant 

The Pivotal Point Grant will provide financial support for a project and/or activities that will significantly advance an artist’s career, help evolve their practice and/or develop the artist’s reputation and visibility within the art world. 

Examples include, but are not limited to: development of new audience/market through exhibitions; publications and presentations; skill set development for use of new media or materials crucial to the creation of a specific body of work; participation in a residency that provides time and facilities to generate new work; or support for creation of a body of work or for exhibition costs at a significant venue. 

Deadline for Application: 

February 16th, 2024 

Notification of result: 

By March 15th, 2024


The applicant must be a current member of VANL-CARFAC.  You may become a member at the time of application. 

This grant is open to professional visual artists who are residents of Newfoundland and Labrador: 

  • Must be a current resident of Newfoundland and Labrador for a minimum of twelve consecutive months immediately prior to the time of application 
  • Must be at least eighteen years of age 

Definition of professional artist 

A creator of visual art has the status of professional visual artist if they meet one or more of the following criteria:

  • The artist is earning a living through art making or possessing a diploma in an area considered to be within the domain of the fine arts
  • The artist creates work or utilizes techniques learned through methods outside of institutional academia, or within the established practices of their cultural traditions
  • The artist is teaching art in a school of art or applied art
  • The artist has their work often seen by the public or is regularly exhibited
  •  The artist is recognized as such by consensus of opinion among professional artists. 

Eligible Expenses 

Eligible expenses include all reasonable expenses that will be incurred during the course of the proposed activity such as: travel, materials and supplies, technical support, residency costs, fabrication costs, shipping, studio rental, development and publication of promotional materials.  The proposed project can be for individual or collaborative projects (include documentation for each collaborator).  Other types of expenses will be considered as long as clearly justified by the nature of the proposed plan. 

  • Travel 
  • Materials and supplies 
  • Residency fees 
  • Studio rental 
  • Small equipment (up to $2000) 
  • Training costs 
  • Wages for assistants 
  • Consultant fees 
  • Technical services 
  • Professional development costs 
  • Exhibition expenses 
  • Publication costs 
  • Contribution towards living expenses 

Ineligible expenses: 

  • Retroactive costs 
  • Purchase of building 
  • Renovations or construction 
  • Tuition 

Required application support materials 

  • Completed application form and detailed budget 
  • Detailed project description that clearly outlines the program or nature of activities, how this will be carried out within the stated timeline and how this will be beneficial to the advancement of your career and/or artistic practice (max. 2 pages)
  • Up-to-date curriculum vitae 
  • Artist statement that provides context for previous work (max. 500 words)
  • Digital documentation of previously created artwork’s (maximum of 10 images), DVDs, audio/video documentation (Original artwork will not be accepted)  

Optional Support Materials:

  • Letters of support 
  • Confirmation of residency or exhibition 
  • Recent reviews, catalogues, etc. 

Assessment Criteria will be based on the following three components

  • Artistic merit of work produced 
  • Strength and feasibility of proposed activity 
  • Ability to enhance the artist’s career/artistic practice. 

Adjudication Process 

All applications will be reviewed by the VANL-CARFAC staff for eligibility and completeness. All applications that meet these criteria will then be assessed by a committee of artists and arts professionals chosen by VANL-CARFAC’s board of directors. 

Final Report 

A comprehensive final report is required that includes an outline of the project/activities, a budget and the benefit to the artist.   This report is due within one month of completion of the project. 


Projects to be completed by March 1st, 2025


Click below to download a copy of the application form.  This form must be filled out and included with your application. 

APPLICATION FORM: Pivotal Point Grant Application 2023/2024

Applications may be submitted via Dropbox, by email to :

VANL-CARFAC Outreach and Recruitment Campaign

For Immediate Release
November 21st, 2023

VANL-CARFAC is proud to launch our new Outreach and Recruitment Campaign, generously funded by the Government of Canada’s Community Services Recovery Fund

This support has allowed VANL-CARFAC to hire a new staff position to oversee and implement a membership and board recruitment campaign. The Recruitment Coordinator will conduct research through community consultation and various outreach initiatives in order to improve accessibility of our services and programs, and grow our membership across Newfoundland and Labrador. As an artist-led service group this will allow us to increase our organisational capacity, enhance our board recruitment and retention strategies, and mitigate the challenges in community engagement caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.

VANL-CARFAC is happy to announce that Daniel Rumbolt has been hired as the new Outreach and Recruitment Coordinator. Daniel is a visual artist with extensive experience within the provincial arts community, having developed public programming and supports for artists through his work at Eastern Edge Artist-run Centre, as well as serving on the VANL-CARFAC board from 2016-2021. He is committed to engaging with artists across Newfoundland and Labrador, and will work to increase VANL-CARFAC’s reach to better serve our members. 

“We’re very grateful to the CSRF for this support,” said David Andrews, VANL-CARFAC’s Executive Director.  “VANL works with artists on an almost daily basis and being able to increase our capacity in this way is going to be invaluable.  We can’t wait to get started.”

The VANL-CARFAC Team is eager to engage with the provincial arts community in new and invigorating ways.

For media enquiries, please contact VANL-CARFAC’s Program Co-ordinator, Em Nowlan, at or (709)-738-7303.


New Date: VANL-CARFAC Annual General Meeting — January 7th 2024


Please note: Due to unforeseen circumstances, the date of the VANL-CARFAC AGM has been moved to January 7th 2024.  If you have previously registered for the AGM, there is no need to re-register, the link to the meeting will be sent to you prior to the 7th.  Apologies for any inconvenience.”

You can now join us on Sunday, January 7th as we update you on what we’ve done this past year, and the exciting projects planned for the year ahead! We will also elect new members to our Board of Directors – artists working for artists.

This year our AGM will be held online via Zoom on January 7th at noon. Registration on or before November 18th is required to ensure a safe and secure online meeting space. The Zoom link and meeting materials will be sent to all registrants shortly before the AGM. See you all there!

Click the link Here to register.

To participate, memberships must be in good standing. Membership registration and renewals can be made by cash or cheque, with credit card by phone or via Paypal through the link HERE