VANL-CARFAC is the only formal unified voice for the visual arts sector of the province, and we take this role very seriously. We are committed to investigating individual artist’s concerns about fair practices and to representing those concerns in a professional manner. This is a continual focus for VANL-CARFAC, and our Advocacy Committee is active in undertaking initiatives on behalf of individual artists in order to protect the economic status of those artists and the sector as a whole.
Our advocacy work ranges from dialogues with government, galleries and stakeholders, to public awareness campaigns on specific issues, to research initiatives such as the Survey of Newfoundland and Labrador Visual Arts Organizations, to federal and provincial pre-budget submissions, to assisting individual artists with specific concerns around issues of copyright, moral rights, exhibition fees and other professional matters.
If you have an advocacy issue that you’d like to talk to us about, contact the Executive Director at dave.vanl.carfac@gmail.com or vanlcarfac@gmail.com. Your concerns will be addressed by our staff as well as the Advocacy Committee, if necessary.
As well, members can also consult CARFAC’s Advisory Notes.